
Disclaimer Notice

The content and resources links within the Jones, Ackerman & Corman LLP website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. The information is general in nature and is not intended to address specific factual and legal circumstances. You should not act (or refrain from acting) based upon information contained in or linked to this website, which may or may not be the most current legal information.

If you have a legal question, you should contact one of the firm's attorneys. However, please do not send any confidential information to us unless you receive express approval to do so in advance from one of the Firm's attorneys. We welcome inquiries, however an attorney-client relationship is not created merely by contacting us, but only upon the execution of a written agreement or engagement letter signed by both the Firm and the client.

This website may constitute advertising under applicable laws. Past results or client satisfaction shall not be construed as a promise to obtain similar results in the future. Links to other websites are provided as a convenience, but we do not control, and do not warrant or endorse, those sites or the information contained therein.